You know that movie 'Twins' with Danny DeVito and Arnold Schwarzenegger... they're separated at birth - one sent out into the cold, hard world - one given all the benefits of modern science & education.
In our house there lives one big, black, kinda curly-haired dog and one tiny, white, curly-haired dog. Basil: 100lbs, quiet, docile - definitely not 'alpha-dog'. Daisy: 7lbs of bossy, lap dog. But I just can't help noticing their similarities.
In our house there lives one big, black, kinda curly-haired dog and one tiny, white, curly-haired dog. Basil: 100lbs, quiet, docile - definitely not 'alpha-dog'. Daisy: 7lbs of bossy, lap dog. But I just can't help noticing their similarities.