I started playing hockey on Tuesday nights about 2 yrs ago - we must be hilarious to watch - a bunch of middle-aged women chasing a puck around the ice. But the exercise is good and the company is wonderful. I really enjoy hanging out with women who like to play sports... (slo-pitch starts in May - that's a whole 'nother addiction)
When I was a girl, hockey wasn't an option - girls wore white figure skates and boys wore black hockey skates - there was no crossover unless you were willing to take the punishment that kids can dish out - which, being the introvert I am, was out of the question (see: 01/30/12). But playing hockey once a week doesn't mean that I don't love skating on figure skates too. Tonight, one of my favourite places in the world, Cedarena should have celebrated it's 85th anniversary, but since the ice is strictly natural, and the weather has not been cooperative, they've had to postpone... forecast doesn't look good for next week either. So, I know it's not a popular opinion, but hoping for it to get really cold in the next week or so.
When I was a girl, hockey wasn't an option - girls wore white figure skates and boys wore black hockey skates - there was no crossover unless you were willing to take the punishment that kids can dish out - which, being the introvert I am, was out of the question (see: 01/30/12). But playing hockey once a week doesn't mean that I don't love skating on figure skates too. Tonight, one of my favourite places in the world, Cedarena should have celebrated it's 85th anniversary, but since the ice is strictly natural, and the weather has not been cooperative, they've had to postpone... forecast doesn't look good for next week either. So, I know it's not a popular opinion, but hoping for it to get really cold in the next week or so.